Now this is a blog that you do not want to miss.
Rolling the clock back 8-years to 2013, almost to the day, my son Nathaniel & I had the experience of a lifetime on a 10-day rafting expedition down the mighty Tatshenshini River which winds its way through the tenth most remote wilderness area in the world.
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One of our fellow adventurers for the next 10-days of our rafting expedition was super model, Tiffany Richards |
The Tatshenshini-Alesk Provincial Park contains almost one million hectares of glacier-cloaked peaks, wild river systems, grizzly bears and a large diversity of wildlife & plant communities. It has been designated a World Heritage site.
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Father & son all frocked up and ready for departure on our 10-day river rafting adventure |
Sitting on the river’s gravel bar edge at Dalton’s Post, our five fully provisioned rafts were waiting for us. Not a house or a human in sight. Upon arrival at the Tatshenshini River we were introduced to our five guides that would be totally responsible for us for the next 10-days, including our safety from wild animals & the dangers of the raging, white-water rapids of the Tatshenshini River.
Our party consisted of ten adventure seeking participants from various walks of life. We gathered around the water's edge getting to know each other while we prepared our kit bags & personal belongings for the journey ahead.
John Toner, our Team Leader briefed us all on what we had ahead of us, most importantly the safety requirements, if we were confronted with any wild animals such as moose, black bear, grizzly bear, bison, etc. In our pack we were all issued with bear spray & a pressure pack horn to hopefully scare away a grizzly bear should it decide to attack.
If we were confronted by any of these wild animals while on any of our hikes to the various glaciers, or even in our camp at night it was imperative that we follow John's instructions. John also carried a big hunting rifle that hopefully would stop a moose or a grizzly in its tracks.
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Our fearless leader John Toner armed with his non-lethal deterrent can of Bear spray |
Moose are twice as dangerous as grizzly bears, I didn't know that previously, I thought that the grizzly bear would be the worst. Out here, you certainly learn something new every day.
Let's get started conquering the mighty Tatshenshini River.
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An inquisitive grizzly bear approaching our camp as he patrols along the edge of the gravel bar |
Let's get started conquering the mighty Tatshenshini River.
Day 1: There were five rafts in our entourage, two adventurers per raft & overseen by one raft commander, very cozy, we definitely were not overcrowded. Once we departed Dalton’s Post we enjoyed a gentle introduction to the river & the running rapids.
Our raft commander Greg Williams from Moab, Utah, is a 65-year old River Rat that spent most of his life as a guide working expeditions on the Colorado River with countless years of experience, so I felt very comfortable with him in charge of my life. Today we only spent 3-hours on the river making camp around 5:00pm to erect our tents beside the river.
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Dewey gives us the heads up for our first night's camp set up on the banks of the Tatshenshini River |
While dinner was being prepared by our Guides, there was another most important chore to do. As you can see in the photograph below. Due to very strict environmental concerns, whatever you take into the Tatshenshini-Alesk Provincial Park must also come out of the Park. Check out the community 'Dunny' with hand deodoriser & wipes (below). When the ammunition cases were full, they were then sealed with their lids & loaded onto the rafts for disposal at the end of the trip. Our guides enforced this rule as they really genuinely cared for this majestic piece of planet earth.
Our makeshift loo that we carried with us. All contents have to be carried to the end of our journey |
Day 2: Waking up early to enjoy the magnificent weather & scenery, breakfast was prepared & served by our guides (pancakes, sausages with all the trimmings, fresh fruit tea & coffee). John briefed us on today's events. We would be spending 6-hours rafting on the river today before making our next camp where we would be spending a 2-day slip.
Camped by the river’s edge, the evening dinner included hamburgers, bratwurst sausage & salad. After dinner, we would all sit around the warm campfire under a chandelier of stars discussing the day's events before we retired to our tents around midnight.
Day 3: Brekko, bacon & eggs (cooked to order mind you; scrambled, poached, fried, boiled, even eggs benedict). John’s briefing included the day’s activities, we had a choice to climb a nearby mountain or pan for gold. I have to tell you that I chose the far less strenuous option of panning for gold. Nathaniel chose to climb a nearby 4,000ft mountain, his group left camp at 11:00am. I hung around camp & watched through binoculars as they reached their first ascent marker around the 2,000ft level.
Day 3: Brekko, bacon & eggs (cooked to order mind you; scrambled, poached, fried, boiled, even eggs benedict). John’s briefing included the day’s activities, we had a choice to climb a nearby mountain or pan for gold. I have to tell you that I chose the far less strenuous option of panning for gold. Nathaniel chose to climb a nearby 4,000ft mountain, his group left camp at 11:00am. I hung around camp & watched through binoculars as they reached their first ascent marker around the 2,000ft level.
One of the other more senior members of our group decided to come panning for gold with me. We had some good fortune & managed to retrieve some minuscule pieces of gold from the river. However, I decided that I was not going to strike the mother lode like the gold rush days around these parts in the late 1800s. I called it quits after about an hour of panning.
Nathaniel, Tiffany, Mark, & Mike along with their guides Bill & Dewey carrying their rifles & food supplies eventually climbed to the summit of this towering and steep mountain above us. They did not return to camp until 6:00pm, completely exhausted. They were gone for a total of 7-hours. I was so proud of Nathaniel's effort, the comments I received from the guides of his determination & behaviour were exemplary.
Later that evening while reminiscing around the campfire Nathaniel told me that it was the hardest thing that he had ever attempted in his life. This evening's dinner menu was spaghetti bolognese & salad, followed by after dinner a chat around the campfire before retiring to our tent at 10:00pm.
Nathaniel, Tiffany, Mark, & Mike along with their guides Bill & Dewey carrying their rifles & food supplies eventually climbed to the summit of this towering and steep mountain above us. They did not return to camp until 6:00pm, completely exhausted. They were gone for a total of 7-hours. I was so proud of Nathaniel's effort, the comments I received from the guides of his determination & behaviour were exemplary.
Later that evening while reminiscing around the campfire Nathaniel told me that it was the hardest thing that he had ever attempted in his life. This evening's dinner menu was spaghetti bolognese & salad, followed by after dinner a chat around the campfire before retiring to our tent at 10:00pm.
Day 4: Today was more or less a rest day because of the events of the previous day (climbing a mountains & panning for gold took it toll on us). We packed up camp after lunch and proceeded down river. We were only on the river for a very short time today until we made camp around 4:00pm. We were continually marveled at the spectacular scenery at every turn of the river.
The weather was superb, today the temp was 70°f/21°c. Shorts & t-shirt weather. Once we had set up camp & erected our tent Nathaniel sat beside the river catching up writing his journal. I enjoyed my first real wash in a side stream from the main river. Let me tell you the river water was very piccadilly, but so refreshing.
The weather was superb, today the temp was 70°f/21°c. Shorts & t-shirt weather. Once we had set up camp & erected our tent Nathaniel sat beside the river catching up writing his journal. I enjoyed my first real wash in a side stream from the main river. Let me tell you the river water was very piccadilly, but so refreshing.
Picturesque mountains, sculptured icebergs, & our very own glacial mermaid Tiffany, making even the permafrost melt |
Our gourmet bush dinner was served, steak & vegetables, not too shabby. After dinner around the campfire I realised that I had not worn my thermal underwear on the whole journey, we also have experienced no rain, almost unheard of in this part of the world.
Day 5: We had a very challenging 7-hour day on the river today. On the way down the river today John warned us that we would experience the most turbulent and roughest rapids so far on our journey. Sure enough our raft took a very large wave over the bow that engulfed the whole raft, resulting in a complete soaking of us & everything else in its wake.
Eventually we made camp just north of the Alsek River. Our campsite position was by far the most beautiful campsite we have stayed in on the Tatshenshini River to this point. We camped on a river delta with 360° views from our tent. Let me try & explain our uninterrupted views of, glaciers, snow capped mountains with valleys and peaks all around us, and among these geological masterpieces, we had peace & tranquility. This is where the Alsek River & the mighty Tatshenshini River join together. After an enormous day on the river it was a quick bite to eat & jump into the cot.
The river varied in widths, here as we get closer to the delta and with tributaries flowing in, it grows bigger in volume and wider |
Whitney spotted a mighty-sized Moose that morning crossing the river not all that far from camp. Later on in the morning we all went for a walk along the foreshore of the river with our Grizzly Bear spray, our pressure pack horn & the Guides were armed with their hunting rifles just in case we would meet up with adversity.
Nathaniel spotted a Black Bear 200m behind us, he was only a little fella so there was no need for any serious panic, more Bald Eagles & their large nests. After our walk along the river we went back to camp & enjoyed lunch. After lunch I decided that it was time for me to have a Nanny nap so I strolled back to our tent & fell asleep immediately.
Then all hell broke loose, Nathaniel interrupted my sleep, he burst into the tent & yelled at me “Dad get out of here because there is a monstrous Grizzly Bear heading our way towards the camp”. I jumped out of my sleeping bag with my heart thumping furiously in my chest & ran down to where everyone else had gathered. It’s far safer to be gathered in a larger group. All our guides had their hunting rifles in their hands, at the ready, just in case our inquisitive friend wanted to have a piece of us for lunch. At this moment, Mr Grizzly Bear had our full attention, trust me.
When he was around 75mtrs from our group he stopped walking towards us, he stood up on his hind legs (all 8ft of him & I would say weighing up to 360 kg (800 lbs). He was such a beautiful specimen of an animal not to mention the gorgeous reddy colour of his beautiful coat. What a moment for all of us, this is exactly what we had come here to experience. He just looked at us all to check us out then decided that it was OK for all of us to come play in his backyard.
When he was around 75mtrs from our group he stopped walking towards us, he stood up on his hind legs (all 8ft of him & I would say weighing up to 360 kg (800 lbs). He was such a beautiful specimen of an animal not to mention the gorgeous reddy colour of his beautiful coat. What a moment for all of us, this is exactly what we had come here to experience. He just looked at us all to check us out then decided that it was OK for all of us to come play in his backyard.
He went back down onto all fours then wandered off into the wild. What an experience, by far the most exciting & dangerous day we have enjoyed all trip. I know that sounds strange, however how many people have experienced that exhilarating moment in their life with a real live close encounter with a hulking Grizzly Bear breathing down your neck?
I know this tale is becoming bigger than Ben Hur, however this blog is not only written for whoever wants to read it, it is also a recollection of our trip to Alaska for my son & I. If I am boring you, you can always opt out by clicking out of this adventure.
Day 7: Before departure from this wonderful campsite our Team Leader John wanted to show us all a very, very special rock carving. This is called a Petroglyph. They are rock carvings made by pecking directly on the rock surface using a stone chisel & a hammerstone. I realise that my photograph of this Petroglyph is not very clear.
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Hard to make out the details, but this is the petroglyph or rock carving that pre-dates modern explorers to this region |
However what you are looking at is between 100-2,000-years-old, the experts can’t agree on an exact age. I found this to be truly amazing because I have never seen anything like this in all my travels around the world.
Another huge day on the river today, travelling time to our next camp at Walker Glacier 6-hours where we made our campsite in the foreground of the Walker Glacier.
Our entire team prior to our challenging walk on the slopes of the Walker Glacier |
Day 8: Today, the entire team went for a hike on the ice-age landscapes of the Walker Glacier. We hiked up onto the glacier & took photos of the Crevasses. Along the hike we passed rushing glacial streams and spotted signs of bear & moose scat. We also saw evidence of where the bears had been digging for roots & food. The glaciers come right down to the river’s edge.
So far the weather has been exceptional, apart from a little rain on day six & a little drizzle on the morning of day seven we have been blessed. Tonight’s camp fire and clear skies is filled with a full moon.
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The view from our campsite of a full moon rising over the nearby mountain peaks was just so spectacular |
Day 9: This definitely has turned out to be a bigger adventure than any of us could ever have imagined. We departed from Walker Glacier this morning to spend another 3-hours drifting down the Tatshenshini River towards Alsek Lake.
Setting off on our trek across the accessible edges along the sprawling face of the Walker Glacier |
We drifted past the spectacular Mt.Kennedy far off in the distance. Mount Kennedy (17,400ft) is a peak within the Kluane National Park in the Yukon, the summit lies within 10kms of the Alaskan panhandle.
The Canadian Government named the peak in honor of the 35th US President John F Kennedy nearly a year following his assassination on 22nd November 1963, at that time it was the highest peak in North America that had not yet been climbed.
We also witnessed Mount Fairweather (15,500ft) way off in the distance. This mountain is in the Saint Elias Mountains on the border between Alaska & British Columbia which is the highest mountain in Canada. When we finally arrived at Alsek Lake where we had to navigate our way through all the icebergs that break off from the hundred of glaciers & then flow down the Tatshenshini River towards Dry Bay, Alaska & finally find their way out into the Pacific Ocean.
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Mount Kennedy in the far distance, this aerial shot gives you a perspective of the kind of extreme and remote territory we were in |
Tonight was our last night of camping, we made our final night's camp on an island overlooking three imposing Glaciers. In one of the photos you can see where our tent was situated with thousands of icebergs flowing down the river in the background, some of these icebergs were as large as a small building. All night you could hear these icebergs breaking up & moving down the river, very eerie indeed. We are now on our last night in the wilds of Alaska.
The weather is still perfect, our team leader John made a comment that evening after dinner when we were being serenaded by Sabrina & her guitar with a good old sing song gathered around our last campfire, that in the seventeen trips that he has made down the Tatshenshini & Alsek rivers that this trip has been the best trip weather-wise that he has experienced so far, so how lucky were we?
The weather is still perfect, our team leader John made a comment that evening after dinner when we were being serenaded by Sabrina & her guitar with a good old sing song gathered around our last campfire, that in the seventeen trips that he has made down the Tatshenshini & Alsek rivers that this trip has been the best trip weather-wise that he has experienced so far, so how lucky were we?
Nathaniel mans the oars, carefully sculling, while navigating the raft through the narrow field of icebergs |
Day 10: Today being our last day on the river. We’d had so much beauty and excitement wrapped into the last 10-days. I was touched with pangs of sadness that it had all come to an end, besides the clouds are very low today over the majestic mountain ranges, with only a 3-hour journey on the river before we entered the small fishing community of Dry Bay, it really didn't matter if it rained.
Packing up all our equipment and deflating the rafts everything has to be loaded back onto the aircraft for departure |
Dry Bay is located inside Alaska's Glacier Bay National Park. We moored our rafts near the bush air strip’s runway where there were three aircraft waiting for us. Our final job was to deflate all the rafts so that they would fit inside the aircraft’s baggage holds, pack up all of the equipment & load everything into the aircraft.
Once everything had been cleaned up & packed away it was now time to say our good-byes to everyone, board the aircraft for the 1-hour flight back to Haines International Airport.
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Our aircraft on finals for a safe return to Haines International Airport in Alaska |
* We covered a distance of 132 miles (212kms) in the 10-days on the Tatshenshini River.
* We didn't see another person in those 10-days other than the people in our group.
* We saw an abundance of wildlife in their natural habitat. Grizzly bears, black bears, moose, deer, caribou, bison, mountain goat, foxes, bald eagles, salmon, trout. Countless types of bird life that call Alaska their home especially in the summertime.
*Observation of most of these wild animals we witnessed from our rafts as we floated down the river.
* 4x2 day camps, 2x1 day camps.
Nathaniel and I under the wing of our fully loaded Cessna 206 preparing to depart Dry Bay for Haines, Alaska |
* Nothing was ever too much trouble for our guides to deliver the best time possible to each & every one of us 24/7.* The camping equipment, wet & cold weather gear & rafts supplied by Colorado River & Trail Expeditions from (Salt Lake City) were First Class. Absolutely no expense spared.
The amazing success of our trip was due to all of our guide’s hard work and truly professional and caring outlook to the journey makers and our safe passage through this pristine environment.
Nathaniel & myself loved the extreme remoteness of this part of the world, how often could you go 10-days without seeing another person, anywhere in the world. The Tatshenshini River is real wilderness, natural beauty personified. It does not come any better than this.
Nathaniel & myself loved the extreme remoteness of this part of the world, how often could you go 10-days without seeing another person, anywhere in the world. The Tatshenshini River is real wilderness, natural beauty personified. It does not come any better than this.
We have experienced as father & son something very unique together & absolutely loved & adored every minute of this real life adventure that has left us both with everlasting memories that we will take to our graves.
In closing, I can highly recommend our expedition company to you; Colorado River & Trail Expeditions - who are celebrating their 50th year of operations this year.
In closing, I can highly recommend our expedition company to you; Colorado River & Trail Expeditions - who are celebrating their 50th year of operations this year.
Thanks for letting us share our story with you, I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog & enjoy looking at the phenomenal photographs that we captured along the way.
such a fabulous story and photos of a grand adventure...oh, and I'm in love with Tiffany....